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We're still in need of funds to help us furnish our apartment in Bulgaria! The Myers told us that homes and apartments come completely unfurnished over there - including appliances, cabinets, etc.! They helped us to calculate the money needed for this, and it is included in our overall budget amount.

Please think about being a furniture sponsor for us; every time we use that item we will think of you! Just send your contribution to Dan Blackford, our treasurer, with a note that says which item you are sponsoring. Then we will cross that item off our list!

Double bed and mattress - 225 BG Leva (142 US dollars)

Dresser - 210 BG Leva (132 US dollars)

Wardrobe - 200 BG Leva (125 US dollars)

Table and 4 chairs - 200 BG Leva (125 US dollars)

Kitchen set up - 300 BG Leva (188 US dollars)

Living room sofa - 250 BG Leva (157 US dollars)

Wood to make shelves - 65 BG Leva (41 US dollars)

Vacuum - 95 BG Leva (60 US dollars)

Appliances - 1491 BG Leva (936 US dollars)
This estimate includes a refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, and other appliances.

Radiator -115 BG Leva (72 US dollars)

Office table - 175 BG Leva (110 US dollars)

Wood stove - 250 BG Leva (157 US dollars)

Two kitchen cupboards - 280 BG Leva (175 US dollars)

Living room chair - 100 BG Leva (62 US dollars)

So we're officially moving! The goal is to be completely out of our apartment by this coming weekend. We'll be staying with Joe's parents for about a week, and then we're off to PA for training!
We found out this morning from Pat and Lamar that we will be tentatively be living with single woman in Deber for our first few months in Bulgaria. She does not speak English, but she is a retired teacher, so hopefully we'll learn quickly from her.

We also found out that Joe may be able to help with two 1-week kids camps hosted by another church. It's exciting to see how God is working in Bulgaria!

Pat and Lamar Myers, friends who currently live in Bulgaria
Yesterday we had a bake sale in front of Bennet's in Orrville! We had four tables + overflow boxes full of goods available for donations. Over $700 was raised! We took the leftovers to church this morning, and another $230 was donated! Thank you to everyone who has given generously through baking, buying, and eating. We depend on your support and God's provision to get us where He wants us to go!
Saturday evening we got back from a trip to Virginia to vacation with Jen's family. We had a great time! Sorry for the lack of posts!

A family photo under the boardwalk

Mom pushing Dad off the boat...(not really)

Joe and I enjoying the "marsh walk" at the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Museum