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White Elephant Auction
Martins Mennonite Church
Sunday, February 28
Starting at 6pm

Donations for auction accepted until 5:59pm.
Snacks provided.
Proceeds go towards our Bulgaria trip!

There will be a short presentation covering the basics of our trip. We hope you'll be able to come out and join us! It's going to be a lot of fun!
It's that time! We're approved for fundraising, and we're sending out letters! Now it's up to God and our supporters to do the rest!

We mailed 170(ish) letters out to friends and family on Tuesday. If you haven't received yours yet, it should be coming! Jen took a stack of envelopes and pamphlets to work with her today, and Joe will be taking pamphlets down to the camp as well.

A special thanks goes out to those of you who have contributed to our trip already. We appreciate your willing and generous spirits. Thank you also to Craig, Jenny, Deb, and Donna for helping us fold and stuff envelopes! We'd be lost without you! Finally, we'd like to thank the supporter who gave us money for postage. Your thoughtfulness will not be forgotten!

...an article from our upcoming newsletter...

As we start to dig deeper into the journey of becoming ambassadors of Christ in Bulgaria, our eyes are being opened to the challenges and miracles that God has planned for our lives. Until now we’ve been reaching into a fog of possibilities of what could be. Until now, we’ve only had the vaguest of ideas of what lies on the path before us.

God’s vision for his kingdom is so much more than we can ever fathom. Paul, one of the church’s first missionaries, once said, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). In this journey, we are constantly reminded of our dependency on the Lord for this strength, his providing, and his call. We feel so unworthy to be chosen to taken His message to the world, yet it is so clear to us that this is His will.

In the coming months we trust that the love Jesus Christ has for the peoples of Bulgaria will touch your heart and lead you to pray and support this ministry through your time, talents, and treasures. God extends His call to this ministry to you, and we ask you to join with us on the path of His Kingdom.